
Total war shogun 2 save file location
Total war shogun 2 save file location

_title_frame_sabotage_Text_a0022 Sabotageğalse _title_frame_duel_Tooltip_370070Ě duel is a gentleman's way of dealing with problems that cannot be solved with words.||This panel will appear when you have the option of a duel challenge.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information.ğalse _title_frame_assassinate_Tooltip_630058ĝespite the niceties of diplomacy and the notion of fair play you have decided the answer to your problems lies in assassination.||Before you start disposing of unwanted 'obstacles', you have to consider the potential risks and political ramifications of murder.||This panel will help you to decide whether this the right course of action - and if so who is the best target.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more details.ğalse _title_frame_assassinate_Text_14004eĚssassinationğalse "Income"_Tooltip_7c005a Tax incomes from the lower and upper classes for this theatre.||As you move the tax sliders these numbers will reflect the changes.ğalse "Income"_NewState_Text_640047 Incomeğalse "Effects"_Tooltip_360064 The icons below show the effects your current tax level settings are having on the two classes.||You will notice that the two classes are affected differently by tax levels.||High taxes for the lowest class reduce population growth as they make up the majority of the populace.||The upper classes are responsible for much of the wealth of a region, so taxing them at high rates will reduce town wealth and town wealth growth||Rich or poor, all are alike in one aspect - a shared dislike of taxes.||The higher tax levels are set, the unhappier both classes will be.||If you move the tax level sliders you will notice that these effects will change accordingly.||Move your cursor over the icons below to see the specific values of each effect. "Effects"_NewState_Text_770033Ğffectsğalse || To switch chat status to send chat to all players, click this button. ||This will appear as blue text in the chat window. \n button_chat_mode_team_roll_Tooltip_6c0051}Send chat to teammates only || The current chat status will send your messages to teammates only. \n details_title_Tooltip_10002f}Below are statistics for each of your units, including the ones you lost in the battle. Subheading_tx_default_Tooltip_520030 These are the retainers you are playing in battle.||Retainers add special bonuses in battle. Subheading_tx_default_Text_60065 Your selected retainers: True Button_cancel_Tooltip_12000dĜancel deleteğalseīutton_cancel_Tooltip_1f006aĜancel overwriteğalseīutton_cancel_Tooltip_6e0048Ĝancelğalseīutton_kick_Tooltip_580067 Kick this playerğalse

Total war shogun 2 save file location